Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Abraish (DHONI)

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Abraish (DHONI)

This beautiful Asil is uploaded by Hyderabad(IND) Asil Bdrs. Our member stated that this cock is "One of the most Challenging Cocks of Hyderabad. Very brutal fighter. Opponents shout for mercy when he hits." It's interesting that some Indian cockers also pay attention to color and try to match the female with male when breeding. Color breeding theory is mentioned in various Vietnamese cockfighting books and it is based on the five natural elements of wood, fire, earth, iron, water, as follow:
Harmony forces:
Gray or Blue cock (wood) / red hen (Fire)
Red cock(Fire) / yellow hen(Earth)
Yellow cock (Earth)/ white hen (Iron)
White cock (Iron)/ black hen (Water)
Black cock(Water)/ Gray or Blue hen(Wood)

The theory is to select cock and hen in such a way that bring harmony to their union. Wood give rise to fire so you would select a gray (blue) cock to breed with a red hen. Fire create earth so red cock goes with yellow hen etc.... Any way, this is just a theory. There is no study or proof of its usefulness. But if you are bored and want to experiment then good luck.